Qatar Charity lays the foundation stone for a

Qatar Charity lays the foundation stone for a health center in Somalia.

7/20/2023 | Media Center

With the support of the Qatari people, Qatar Charity laid the foundation stone for building a health center in the city of Bartiri in the state of Jubaland, Somalia, in the presence of the Minister of Interior of the State of Jubaland, Mr. Muhammad Abd-Ughli, the Vice President of the Gedo region, Mr. Muhammad Hussein Al-Qadi, and the head of the Bartiri Directorate, Mr. Muhammad Wali Yusuf.

The center is expected to provide integrated health services, benefiting about 20,000 people from the city and neighboring areas that suffer from a lack of basic services.

The health center includes a reproductive health department, an emergency department, doctors' rooms, a health education room, a midwife’s room, a medical statistics room, a laboratory, a vaccination room, and a pharmacy.

The Minister of Interior of Jubaland, Mohamed Abdoglu, expressed his appreciation for the distinguished role played by Qatar Charity in supporting and implementing humanitarian and development projects in the state of Jubaland, with the aim of helping needy groups and improving social services for the Somali people. Pointing out that this project contributes significantly to enhancing health care in the region and alleviating the suffering of those in need.

For his part, the head of the Bartiri Directorate, Mr. Muhammad Wali Youssef, expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation for the continuous efforts made by Qatar Charity to improve health care and provide health services to the residents of the region, stressing the directorate's commitment to overcoming any obstacles or challenges facing Qatar Charity's interventions, and said that it is working hard to facilitate And accelerating the process of implementing the humanitarian and development projects offered by Qatar in the region.

Mr. Mohamed Berri Youssef, a dignitary of Bartiri, praised the generous contribution made by Qatar Charity in establishing an integrated health center in Bartiri, Jubaland, Somalia. He stressed that this project would have a significant positive impact on the life of the local community and will allow citizens to obtain high-quality health services, expressing his deep gratitude to Qatar Charity and great appreciation for the effective contribution it makes to improving the quality of life for disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.

It is noteworthy that in 2022, Qatar Charity implemented projects that covered all Somali regions and governorates, benefiting about (22,680) sponsored persons from the social welfare program. The projects included (56) construction projects, digging (71) wells, owning (719) income-generating projects, and providing (31) relief campaigns. The office also implemented seasonal projects such as Iftar and meals, in addition to projects related to food security, education, and culture.