Ghanaian orphans thank their Qatari sponsors.

Ghanaian orphans thank their Qatari sponsors.

9/6/2023 | Media Center

Within the framework of the Rofaqa Initiative, Qatar Charity organized a new Umrah trip for 20 of its sponsored orphans in Ghana. The trip lasted 8 days and was full of religious, cultural, and educational programs.

Continuing program

In this context, Mr. Yousef Al-Khulaifi, supervisor of the Rofaqaa Initiative for Child and Orphan Care Around the World said: “This trip is an extension of previous trips that were organized for orphans in several countries this year, specifically for the orphans of Somalia, Pakistan, and Tunisia, and we consider this part of our continuing efforts in Qatar Charity.”

For his part, Engineer Hassan Odeh, Director of Qatar Charity’s office in Ghana, who participated with the orphans in this omrah, said: “The trip was special on all levels and had important faith and educational dimensions.”

Odeh added: “The trip had a significant impact in deepening the understanding of Islamic culture and Islamic history among the participating orphans after linking all visits to important stations in the Prophet’s biography.”

The orphans who performed omrah expressed their great happiness with the opportunity provided to them by Qatar Charity and expressed they’re thanks to their sponsors in Qatar.

The Student Shams al-Din Musa said that his happiness could not be described, prayers, supplications, reading the Qur’an, and visiting holy places, landmarks, and historical mosques Which gave them a lot of important information about Islamic culture, history, and religion.