20150514-Qatar Charity's Initial Emergency Relief

20150514-Qatar Charity's Initial Emergency Relief for Nepal

6/11/2015 |

Qatar Charity's Initial Emergency Relief for Nepal


Qatar Charity's initial emergency relief team has returned from Nepal. Following visits and needs assessments in Greater Kathmandu and Gurga they made Qatar Charity's initiation distribution to 18,000 people affected by the earthquake who had not yet received assistance.    The value of this distribution was USD 100,000.  Items distributed included food, blankets, mattresses and other non-food items including hygiene kits.   Food items provided included rice, flour cooking oil, sugar and lentils.


Additional relief response and further distributions are being organized and will take place in the coming weeks following further assessments based on real-time gaps identified in coordination with the local authorities.  Recovery programming ranging from temporary, transitional and permanent shelter construction to water, health and education are being explored.



14 May 2015