QC Offers Urgent Aids to the Displaced Iraqis

QC Offers Urgent Aids to the Displaced Iraqis

12/14/2015 |

As part of its relief projects, QC started a relief campaign for the benefit of the displaced Iraqis who came from Al Anbar Governorate, Mosul, and Salah Al Dein and went to Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Kurdistan Region. More than 11,000 people benefited from the food aids of the campaign.

The delegation which presented the aids included Mohammed Jassim Al Saliti, QC Relief Coordinator; and Dr. Ayesh Al Qahtani, a Preacher at QC. The aids included food parcels each contained basic supplies such as flour, rice, oil, lentil, tomato paste, macaroni, cheese, pekmez, sugar, tea, beans, milk, vermicelli, humus, and butter from which more than 1,600 families benefited (i.e. more than 11,000 people).

QC’s delegation distributed the food parcels in coordination with the Islamic Kurdish Association to the displaced in the camps in Sulaymaniyah Governorate and to the houses rented by the displaced.

In a press release, Mr. Al Saliti said, “The people living in the areas of territorial dispute in Iraq are suffering from bad conditions which led to the displacement of thousands of people. As a result, QC started working on alleviating the sufferings of the people of Iraq and contributing to meeting their basic needs. Through its field visit, QC’s delegation identified some of the families’ needs and helped pay for some expensive medical treatments.”

Dr. Al Qahtani called upon the philanthropists to help their displaced brothers and sisters in Iraq through providing them with the basic supplies. He emphasized the importance of following the teachings of Islam regarding supporting those in need. Those people were forced to leave their homes and are now suffering from a humanitarian crisis.

QC has previously offered urgent aids to the displaced families from Al Anbar Governorate. The aids comprised food parcels, and some basic supplies such as blankets and mattresses from which 2,000 families benefited at a cost of 400,000 QR.

In addition, in cooperation with UN’s World Food Programme, QC has previously provided the displaced Iraqis with 4,000 relief supplies that weighed 86 tons and at a cost of more than 2,000,000 QR. The supplies included products for personal hygiene, small water cans (plastic), water tanks with the capacity of 5,000 liters, and 40 drinking water containers distributed everyday to 80,000 people. In addition, QC has provided the displaced with shelter supplies such as big and medium size tents, kitchen tools, primus stoves, generators, temporary toilets, and sanitation equipment.

Last year, QC inaugurated a campaign entitled ‘Together to Relieve Al Anbar Displaced’ through which it was able to urgently aid the displaced families from Al Anbar Governorate in Iraq. The aids included food parcels, and basic supplies such as blankets, mattresses and others. They were distributed to the displaced in Mosul, Tikrit, Samarra, and others. 


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