QC Secures the Medical and Humanitarian Needs of

QC Secures the Medical and Humanitarian Needs of its Sponsored in Gaza

1/14/2016 |

Mas’oud Mreish, “QC got me a UBS that could operate my artificial ventilator. I no longer had to spend all my time at the hospital.”

QC sponsors 7,270 people in Gaza, among which are orphans; poor; disabled; students; and Qur’an teachers.

QC’s office in Gaza implemented a project to secure its sponsored people their medical and humanitarian needs so as to enable them to have a dignified and respectful life and, to lighten their financial burdens.


Necessary Devices

The project included financial aids distributed to 18 cases sponsored by QC in the Gaza Strip. Their needs included medical devices such as eye glasses and audiphones and necessary devices for chronic diseases, payment for treatments, and others.

QC’s staff paid field visits to the patients to ensure that the process was documented and that the patients made the utmost use of the devices, apparatuses, and medications.


Success Story

Thanks to this project, 52 year old Mas’oud Khalil Mreish’s life has changed. He suffers from a chronic respiratory distress. He had to spend most of his time in the hospital because of his serious need for artificial ventilation. He does not have to do that anymore as QC bought him an alternative source of energy to operate his ventilator at home.

The UBS that QC provided Mreish with enabled him to operate his ventilator despite the recurrent power cuts which can last for over 12 hours daily. He can stay with his family now. He no longer needs to spend his time lying on a hospital bed.

Mreish expressed his gratitude for QC for helping him have a stable life with his family. He said that he no longer had to worry about himself and his family. He also stressed that QC made the best it could to help all of its sponsored.

He added, “I used to depend on an oxygen cylinder when the electricity cut off, but it would run out quickly and I couldn’t afford to refill it. That is why my children used to take me to the hospital. I would stay there for days. Hence, I thank QC for helping me and other sick and needy people.”


Alternative Treatments

Eng. Mohammed Abu Haloub, QC’s office Director in Gaza, emphasized that this project reinforced the solidarity and clemency, and provided the needs of the people QC sponsors. He pointed that the project also reduced the financial burden of the sick sponsored category who suffered from difficult economic conditions.

Mr. Abu Haloub elucidated that some of the beneficiaries faced difficulties finding their medications which were not available due to the siege on Gaza. This required more time to find alternative medications.

The beneficiaries expressed their content about receiving the medications and the medical services. They thanked QC for the efforts it exerts to help the poor families and reconstruct the Gaza Strip after the last Israeli aggression.


Fighting Epidemics

The number of QC’s sponsored in Gaza reached 7,270, among which are 5,901 orphans; 803 poor families; 492 disabled; a number of students; preachers; and Qur’an teachers.

In addition, QC has declared since the first few days of the aggression on Gaza to allocate 20,000,000 QR for the reconstruction of the destroyed houses and for other relief needs like food and medications..

QC recently expanded Al Shifa project’s Medical Center, Al-Daraj. The aim was to limit the spread of infectious diseases and epidemics, to provide basic medical services to the needy categories, and to raise health awareness.

At a cost of 500,000 QR, the project was funded by QC in the framework of its objectives to help the Palestinian brothers and ease their sufferance caused by the occupation.

The project included the construction of a second floor of 350 m2 and included providing all the construction requirements to serve the health sector in Gaza Strip in general and widen the benefiting category.


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