QC has recently opened 13 healthcare centers in different places in Bangladesh from which 500,000 people benefited at a cost of 1,000,000 QR.
QC made sure that the targeted beneficiaries are the neediest. Therefore, QC implemented the projects in the poorest districts which are Pabna, Kishoreganj , Gazipur, Naogaon, Madaripur, Barguna, Gaibandha, and Barisal.
Comprehensive Services
As part of the project, QC supplied these centers and the outpatient clinic with drugs and medical items. It also covered routine medical examinations. QC runs these projects either directly, or through its cooperation with local committees in order to sufficiently offer the basic services of medical care.
For this occasion, Mr. Mohammed Amine Hafith, QC’s Office Director in Bangladesh, said that QC implemented these projects out of its endless efforts to support the health sector in Bangladesh for its importance in the developmental process. QC tries to offer comprehensive services to the needy people of Bangladesh who live in rural areas where poverty and literacy are found. Thus, QC’s projects targeted these areas.
“These projects,” as he said, “will save the lives of so many people living there; especially chronic patients, women and children. They are the first victims of the lack of medical services. They are who need to cross long distances in order to be treated.” He then concluded his speech with, “QC will continue to exert efforts, it will continue to help and implement charitable and humanitarian projects. This is QC’s message and responsibility towards the poor, the needy, and the unfortunate.”
A Hospital & a Medical Center
Under its belief of the importance of the health sector, QC has recently implemented a medical project related to the Qatari Hospital and Medical center at a cost of 560,000 QR. It offers medical services to 100,000 people. It covers all kinds of treatments including outpatient and inpatient clinics, medical tests, radiology, and drugs. QC also offers training for the nurses, laboratory and radiology technicians, and pharmacist assistants. Doctors and specialists usually refuse to go to these distant places, which is why this training is very important. It helps prepare a qualified medical staff which can offer the patients the needed services. The inhabitants of these areas turn to warlocks who tend to deceive the families and trick them. They make use of the patients’ willingness to cling to any thread of hope, and make them believe that magic can heal them. With QC’s help, however, the trained staff will offer all the services these patients need at a low cost. This way, they will protect the people from imposters, risks, and health complications.
Ongoing Development
Bangladesh is universally ranked as one of the most overpopulated areas. It has a population of 170,000,000 people; 1,100 persons per km. The universally acknowledged rate is around 44 persons per km. Furthermore, it lacks the resources and depends mainly on the agriculture sector. It is, thus, one of the poorest and neediest countries. Its orphans, widows and unprivileged – especially those living in distant areas – need basic services; this is what QC tries to cover.
QC believes in its role in helping any person or place in need. It makes sure to implement qualitative and useful projects, to increase the number of beneficiaries, to fulfill its role in the social developmental process, and to positively affect people’s lives. As a result and after considering Bangladesh’s conditions, QC is doing its best to fulfill its part in the ongoing developmental process. It is doing so through helping increase production, raise the standards of living, and enhance the income of the neediest
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