QC Performs 750 Surgeries for Glaucoma in Sudan

QC Performs 750 Surgeries for Glaucoma in Sudan

5/29/2016 |

After an agreement signed with AlBasar International Foundation – Sudan Branch, QC held a medical camp for eyes through which it performed 750 surgeries for patients who suffer from Glaucoma. The surgeries took place at Makkah Eye Complex and Hospitals at a budget of 900,000 QR.

This project was implemented due to the dangers of the spread of Glaucoma, which could lead to blindness, among the poor. It seeks to fight blindness and eye infections; offer early diagnosis of diseases leading to blindness; offer medical services to patients with eye diseases in the targeted areas; and offer medical and treatment consultations in ophthalmiatrics.

Engineer Khaled Al Yaf'i, QC's Director of Operations at Executive Management, expressed his deep gratitude for the people of Qatar for their humanitarian efforts which show Qatar's true and good nature.


Health First

The beneficiaries were very happy and satisfied. They thanked QC for medically caring about them and for paying attention to offering medical services to needy Sudanese. They called for other institutions to support similar projects and medical camps which help serve thousands of patients who suffer from poverty, pain and need. Such projects can alleviate these people's sufferings and help them live normally.

Dr. Ali Ibrahim, General Director of AlBasar International Foundation, said, "We are very pleased to see all the efforts QC exerts in Sudan. We are happy that the Glaucoma surgeries project was successful. We appreciate this cooperation and hope it would continue so that more patients get their treatments". He also spoke about how AlBasar International Foundation seeks to expand its field of work to include more countries in holding free-eye-testing camps so to fight blindness and eye diseases.


Well-Designed Plan

This program is specialized in treating eye diseases for poor patients. First, a social survey is conducted to identify the targeted category; then, a general test is carried out to identify those infected with Glaucoma. Finally, the surgeries are performed on all infected patients. Through such plan, QC implemented the project after coordinating with all competent authorities.

QC had already served the health sector of Sudan through cooperating with other social and developmental institutions. QC's Sudan Branch established health centers at a cost of 2,845,000 QR. In addition, the sum of money spent in the medical field for 2015 reached around 1,263,000 QR.


Orphans Health

For the orphans, QC organized an educational and entertaining activity. 200 orphans, along with their mothers, participated in the activities which were held in Atbara, River Nile State. The event was held to introduce some urgent issues faced by orphans psychologically, educationally and socially. The orphans were given the opportunity to speak about their thoughts and feelings in the absence of their mothers. The activity included writing a detailed report about each orphan that states the researchers' recommendations and necessary immediate interventions.


Drinking Water

As part of their joint strategic projects in the field of water, QC and Islamic Dawa Organization signed an agreement to establish 3 water plants in Sudan for the benefit of more than 24,000 people.

The two parties wanted to join their efforts so to solve the water problems suffered by the targeted areas in Sudan. They wish to improve the general health condition of the poor communities, limit the diseases which transmit through polluted water, and build the skills of vulnerable communities through helping them run water plants projects. The residents of the areas will treat polluted water using environmentally friendly technology that can easily be maintained.


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