Qatar Charity brings 450 people back to their

Qatar Charity brings 450 people back to their Homes in the Gaza Strip

3/15/2017 |

Qatar Charity continues its considerable efforts in reconstructing Al Zafer tower in Gaza to finish it as soon as possible in order to bring 50 homeless families, who has been of no shelter for a long time, back to their houses to enjoy a safe, comfortable, and settled life. The project has had generous funding from philanthropists in Qatar, and it’s carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in the Gaza Strip.

Great Progress

Director of QC office in the Gaza Strip, Mohammed Abu Haloub, said, “Though we face troubles regarding the entry of building materials every now and then, we are still working on constructing and finishing Al Zafer Tower. Also, we have made good progress in the current round.”

Abu Haloub confirmed that QC is committed to finishing the Tower following the required technical specifications and providing all the safety and security factors, along with paying attention to the quality of the raw materials used as well as the elevators and their ability to go up and down bearing heavy weights.

He further added, “The tower accommodates 450 displaced persons who have lost their homes due to the last aggression.” The cost of rebuilding what was severely destroyed, 100 thousand housing units, by the Israeli aggression in 2014 amounted to more than 10 million QR. Accordingly, QC is playing a crucial role in rebuilding the Gaza Strip to assure, by all means, a decent life for citizens.

Additional Adjustments

Minister of Public Works and Housing in the Palestinian Authority Dr. Mufid al-Hasayneh has praised the State of Qatar's efforts in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, stressing his appreciation of Qatar Charity (International Charity Organization) for the importance it attaches to the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, especially rebuilding Al Zafer Tower.

Confirming that everything is going well following what they wish for and in a fruitful collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Al-Hasayneh expressed his pleasure for the efforts QC exerts, particularly supervising the implementation of Al Zafer Tower’s reconstruction.

He also commended the additional adjustments that have taken place in the tower such as the design,  developing the basement, and providing the proper safety procedures to let the residents feel much better than before.

With the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, QC has put in a great deal of effort to carry out various projects to reconstruct the Gaza Strip. In other words, there was a project implemented to rebuild 100 damaged housing units. Besides, 343 thousand dollars have been given to the owners of 373 partly damaged houses, and 139 thousand dollars have been spent on rebuilding 20 completely destroyed houses. In addition, 400 housing units have been renewed in Gaza city and the North of the Strip costing 5 million dollars.

Therefore, what has been spent on the destroyed houses was 20 million QR, while the value of reconstructing 1000 housing units was 24 million QR.

Coming Back Home

The beneficiaries have been very pleased because of rebuilding Al-Zafer Tower, looking forward to going back home as soon as possible.

Extending her sincere thanks to the people of Qatar for standing by the Palestinians’ side in such harsh conditions and to QC for its efforts, Mariam Abu Raya explained, “It is an eagerly awaited moment to return to our houses.”

Hisham Saqallah, a journalist and one of AL-Zafer Tower’s residents, made clear that he was certain about the tower’s reconstruction and he felt proud that the tower is being reconstructed in order to be one of Gaza’s famous landmarks, pointing out that such a project is a strong hint about the Palestinian determination.