Saleh Megha is a poor man living with his family in the Malian capital, Bamako. His family suffered extremely difficult circumstances and found themselves unable to pay their rent or the children’s school fees while struggling to even eat. Their situation was getting worse and worse and in the end Saleh’s wife found herself unable to cope; she left him and went to live with her family, leaving Saleh and the children alone. Saleh had done all he could to make a living for himself and his family, but with no success. He was forced to rely on the generosity of friends. When Saleh heard about the work of Qatar Charity in Mali he went to the office in person and appealed for help, explaining all he had suffered. After just a few days, by the grace of Allah, QC’s Mali office provided Saleh with a motorcycle enabling him to earn a living. Saleh now uses the motorcycle to transport passengers and fetch water.Already his condition has improved dramatically. After one month Saleh was receiving payments for the delivery of safe drinking water for people without access to water at 1,500 francs. He was able to employ a woman to help him take care of his children. He earns 200 francs a day and has been able, by the grace of Allah, to provide treatment to his ill mother who came from a village 1,000 km away from the capital. After receiving treatment, he sent his mother back to the village. Saleh’s children are now back in school and are doing well, excelling in their recent exams. Saleh offers thanks to Allah and Qatar Charity, for giving him the chance to earn a decent living.