Qatar Charity – International Humanitarian Organization
Qatar Charity – International Humanitarian Organization

Today's Project

Project of the Day
139,265 QAR

Project of the Day

LNO : PFL/2024

بناء وتأثيث مدرسة ابتدائية بمساحة 378م2

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439,111 QAR 139,265 QAR

Immediate Need
148,454 QAR

Immediate Need

Inside Qatar
LNO : PFL/QCTH/2024/38

More ...
81,546 QAR 148,454 QAR

Suggestions For You

Qatar Charity Over Time



























Qatar Charity Areas of Action

What We Do ...?

Qatar Charity works to provide aid in the development and humanitarian fields and adopts an integrated and multi-sectoral approach that pays attention to the complex and diverse nature of development and humanitarian sectors.

Education and Culture

Health Projects

Water Porjects

Income-generating Projects

Housing for the poor

Social Projects


The legal and regulatory framework for Qatar charity work

The legal framework governing charities in Qatar is a very advanced framework compared to the legal frameworks that govern the work of civil society organizations in the world.

This framework regulates the establishment, management, finance and control of associations.

We mean by the development here, not only in terms of laws and legislations, but also the effectiveness of their application and the degree of law enforcement.

Also, the supervisory framework for charitable work represented by Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities rises to the highest international standards.

The Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities aims to develop, support, encourage, supervise and monitor charitable and humanitarian works. It has wide powers including working to increase awareness and development of charitable work among members of society, issuing instructions regulating charitable and humanitarian work for private charitable foundations, supervising and controlling charitable and humanitarian work carried out by private charitable foundations, supervise and control funds transactions of private charitable foundations.

Here we note that in addition to the supervisory role of Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities, through which it monitors the process of collecting, maintaining and disbursing funds by associations, the authority also has a major role in building the capabilities of associations and providing them with technical support to ensure that they rise to best practices in their field of work.

Qatar charity initiatives

Some of Qatar charity initiatives are merging, as they cover different sectors, while others are characterized by focusing on one sector.

Qatar Charity outlines the needs implemented by its initiatives in cooperation with local communities, the local government departments whether local or central and local civil society organizations.

Qatar Charity also cooperates in identifying needs, as well, with some other development partners such as international NGO and intergovernmental organizations including the United Nations specialized agencies and development agencies.

Qatar charity initiatives differ from country to another in consideration of national strategies and priorities and also by looking at funding and partnership opportunities.

Qatar Charity relies on a set of objective criteria in choosing its initiatives and approving its projects implemented in different countries. Among the most important of these standards:

  1. Harmony with national priorities and strategies.
  2. Suitable to the needs of beneficiaries,
  3. Participation of beneficiaries,
  4. Integration of the initiative with other initiatives in the region.
  5. Managing the initiative in its various stages, from determining the need to the evaluation through design, implementation and follow-up.

Funding of Qatar Charity

Qatar Charity is able to undertake major projects in over 50 countries thanks its generous donors. While Qatar Charity benefits from multiple sources of funding, its income relies largely on individuals who now represent about 90% of the donors. To ensure compliance with AML/TF regulations, Qatar Charity takes all the necessary precautions to ensure the legitimacy of its funding sources and the end use of funds.

Throughout the years, we have optimized our financial performance and increased our efficiency and we are now able to spend more than 92% of our financial resources on programs and services we deliver to fulfilling our social mission.


Private donations represent more than 90% of Qatar Charity’s income. With a community-focused fundraising model met with the utmost accountability towards the donor, Qatar Charity has preserved its position as one of the most trusted NGOs in the MENA region.

Institutional Funding:

Qatar Charity benefits from grants and donations disbursed by government donor agencies like the Qatar Fund for Development, by in UN agencies such as UNHCR, WFP, FAO etc. and international organizations.

The Private Sector:

Within the framework of social responsibility, companies inside the State of Qatar are emerging as a reliable donor.

Our Values

Affiliation and Respect Qatar Charity was established as part of a unique culture that endorses the concepts of generosity and encourages good deeds. Such cultural frame of reference played an active role in shaping the values system of Qatar Charity and sustained its social and collective drives. This unique cultural reference, however, does not contradict with our respect for the diversity within the humanitarian sector. We believe that the diversity of humanitarian actors is a key strength and that all participants' backgrounds and cultural contexts should be respected. Hence, at Qatar Charity, we believe that all humanitarian efforts around the world are worthy of respect, appreciation, and encouragement.

Cooperation and Integration Qatar Charity recognizes the crucial role of coordination mechanisms and processes between humanitarian organizations to provide sufficient humanitarian assistance to those who need it effectively. However, Qatar Charity believes that this cooperation will not realize its objectives or fulfill its roles unless humanitarian stakeholders can effectively achieve full integration to preserve resources while respecting the distinct mandates of the diverse set of humanitarian organizations.

Responsibility and Accountability Qatar Charity is committed to fulfilling its humanitarian roles and obligations. Therefore, the organization is ready to be held accountable by beneficiaries, competent government agencies, donators and philanthropists, and supervisory authorities.

Achievement and Creativity Qatar Charity implements a results-oriented approach; hence, the organization emphasizes the value of achievement as a standard of success while implementing innovative and adopting original creative paradigms.

Transparency and Compliance Qatar Charity is committed to the highest levels of transparency and ensuring that all relevant information is available for reviewing. The organization is also committed to complying with the universal laws and regulations that govern the humanitarian sector.