Qatar Charity Receives ISO Certification

Qatar Charity Receives ISO Certification

9/17/2017 |

Qatar Charity has obtained ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 certification from the Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS, which is specialized in audit and international certification services.

This is an example of Qatar Charity's commitment to continuously improving its information security by applying quality standards to cope with technical developments. Therefore, the Charity has received the ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 International Certification for Good Practice in Information Security Management System (ISMS).

Through its UK branch, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) announced that the Executive Directorate of Financial Resources' information department at Qatar Charity (International Charity Organization) had been verified and found to be compliant with international information security standards. This also applies to the Charity's IT infrastructure and support sections managed by the Human Resources Department, as well as to  the finance, procurement, legal services and public relations departments.

The Certification Ceremony

Qatar Charity celebrated this achievement in a ceremony attended by Mr. Yousef Bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari, the organization's Chief Executive Officer and a number of Directors, as well as officials from the Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS.

During the ceremony, Mr. Al-Kuwari received the ISO certificate from Mr. Makram Abu Fakhr-Eddin, Director of the Business Development Department at the Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS. In his turn, Mr. Yousef Al-Kuwari granted the Charity's memorial shield to the representative of the Bureau.

Mr. Al-Kuwari also congratulated his organization for receiving such an internationally accredited quality certificate which attests to the great efforts its staff exert to achieve this advanced level of humanitarian and charitable work.

Enhanced Confidence

Al-Kuwari said: "Given the size of the Charity's development, the volume of information and financial operations between its headquarters and its agents, field offices and partners, as well as the diversity of its donation methods, have also increased. He pointed out that this posed a challenge to the organization which necessitated its achievement of these international security standards. But this certification will increase the donors' and partners' confidence and trust in the organization", he added.

Qatar Charity's CEO also emphasized that information and electronic security is one of the organization's top priorities which ensures the safety of the organization's entire data. Being a well-known, accredited and trustworthy charitable institution to its donors and partners, Qatar Charity, he continued, is proud to have integrated the Information Security Management System (ISMS) in all its donation and implementation processes.

Mr. Al-Kuwari also stated that receiving ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 is not only a recognition of the information security management in Qatar Charity's IT department, but it is also a significant contribution to global initiatives in the fields of information security and intrusion protection, which are supported by the Qatar Charity Organization.

On his part, Mr. Makram Abu Fakhr-Eddine, Business Development Manager at the Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS, said: "On behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS, I am pleased to congratulate Qatar Charity for receiving this international certification, and we wish this organization more successes in the near future."

 Integrated Management

Mr. Mohammed Al Yazidi, Executive Director of Financial Resources at Qatar Charity, said: "Obtaining ISO certification took us several stages: It started with the launching of the Integrated Management System project which was applied to all administrative, technical and operational departments in compliance with international quality standards for information security and protection of Qatar Charity's electronic systems and websites from threats and intrusion."

He added that through integrated management, Qatar Charity (International Humanitarian Organization) will be able to document all the processes, procedures, systems and mechanisms of work inside it. It will also enhance the supervisory and practical processes in the organization and help achieve the requirements of governance and risk management by introducing a new work methodology that is in line with the latest internationally accepted standards and which focus on internal and external customer satisfaction and on improving the relationship with the community

Al Yazidi also stressed that the international recognition of Qatar Charity's administrative and technical systems; cost control; rationalization of using human and financial resources; the reduction of information loss through the protection of electronic systems and websites from threats and intrusion; as well as the protection of the organization's moral, material, financial or information property increase  Qatar Charity's competitiveness with other international organizations operating in the same field.

Previously Obtained Quality Certificates

Noteworthy is that Qatar Charity has previously obtained the ISO certificate in Quality Management Systems in accordance with the international standard  ISO 9001: 2000 from Det Norske Veritas in 2004.