- Al Ghamdi, "QC sponsored this project because it believes in the importance of coordinating between the active associations' efforts for the benefit of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and in the importance of improving the outcomes of the relief work."
QC announced allocating more than 18,000,000 QR (5,000,000 USD) to support and finance the projects of the Union of Relief and Development of Associations in Lebanon, and to reinforce its partnership with acting institutions whose work is for the benefit of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and the displaced in the territories near the Lebanon-Syria border.
Huge Audience
Mr. Mohammed Al Ghamdi, QC's CEO of International Development, was the one to announce the allocation initiative during the fourth annual conference which is held mainly to review the situation of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. It was organized by the Union of Relief and Development Association in Lebanon and sponsored by QC in Istanbul, Turkey. The conference was held in January (21-23) and was entitled 'So Their Boats Wouldn't Drown: Syrians Torn Between Harsh Asylum and Forced Migration'. Several officials attended the conference such as General Major Mohammed Kheir, Prime Minister of the Lebanese Government; Head of the Supreme Commission for Relief in Lebanon; a number of representatives of the Ministers of the Lebanese Government; Mr. Sulaiman Al Awadhi, Director of Humanitarian Affairs at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; Delegations from QC; High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; and tens of international, Arabic and Islamic Organizations.
In the opening session of the conference, Mr. Al Ghamdi announced the allocation of 3,000,000 USD to finance and support the Union's projects. He also announced the allocation of 2,000,000 USD to reinforce partnership with any association aspiring to work with QC in coordination with the Union according to the procedures followed at QC's administration of international development.
Importance of Sponsorship
According to Al Ghamdi, QC's sponsorship of this conference, which is held for the fourth time in a row, reflects QC's commitment to its role in offering relief to the Syrian people. QC was one of the very first to respond to the Syrian people since the beginning of the crisis. QC believes in the importance of holding conferences and meetings which aim at coordinating between the active associations in order to improve the outcome of the humanitarian work.
Al Ghamdi headed the first session of the conference which was entitled "Syrians: Harsh Asylum and Migration'. During the session, Mr. Hussam Al Ghali, Humanitarian Affairs Advisor at the Relief and Development Associations Union, spoke about the current situation of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
The introductory statement was by Mr. Omar Khattab, CEO of Relief and Development Associations Union. He spoke about the improvement stages of the Union's work pointing out to the slogan of this year's conference which shows its aim. Its basic goal is to help and assist the Syrian refugees in Lebanon and to alleviate their sufferings now that they are left with two options only: either to go for harsh asylum or forced migration.
One of the very first speeches was the opening statement by Sheikh Ahmed Al Omari, Founder of the Union. He spoke about the establishment of the union and its continuous efforts for the coordination between active associations in relieving the Syrian refugees. He also mentioned the legitimacy it acquired from other societies and associations and the huge steps it's taken so far.
In his speech, Dr. Abdul Hafiz Eitani, Head of Boards of Directors of the Union, insisted on the importance of having a comprehensive, humanitarian vision that balances between the work on meeting the refugees' urgent relief needs and the economic and social development. "Economic and social development makes the refugees more independent. They will depend more on themselves and less on the aids. It will help so many individuals secure their needs depending solely on themselves," added he.
Conference's Papers and Workshops
The second day of the conference included holding a number of workshops. During the second session; which was about urgent relief (the procedures of making decisions and necessity for taking action); Mr. Mohammed Ardur, QC's Director of Crisis Response and Urgent Relief, presented a paper about the definition of 'urgent relief'. He emphasized on the informatic activities and quick response to reduce the impact of natural disasters and wars in terms of stopping and getting ready for them. As for Dr. Hani Al Banna, Head of the Humanitarian Forum, stressed on the refugees' need for urgent and immediate relief and the importance of allocating funds for emergencies, which is done in coordination with international parties and organizations.
In general, this year's conference discussed a group of papers which spoke about different themes such as the situation of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, the sufferings of the refugees in Arsal, Lebanon's way of dealing with the refugees, the refugees' rights, the definition of urgent relief, the role of charity organizations in making quick decisions, the refugees' need for urgent and immediate relief, the refugees' need for independence, the donors' need for developing the refugees, the impact of development on the refugees; community and hosting country, how to enable the refugees to help themselves, group shelters (problems and solutions), camps as temporary solutions, impact of living in camps from social and cultural points of view, managing the residential camps during the crisis, impact of war on children, Syrian refugees: keeping their identities and facing the dangers of the society, impact of losing parents on children and alternate resolutions, children's rights and importance of psychological support, and drugs: their reality and psychological impact on refugees in Lebanon.
During the conference, 4 workshops were held on: joy in doing charity work, migration to Europe (pros and cons), problems facing the hosting society and the challenges they may face due to long periods of asylum, future of the new generation for the following 4 years without education and a medical workshop.
Beside the conference, the following courses were held: Relief Work to Improve Economy for the Future, the Sphere Standards and Their Application in the Field, and Role Small Development Projects in Empowering Refugees.
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