QC Provides a Big Indonesian City with Clean Water

QC Provides a Big Indonesian City with Clean Water

10/25/2015 |

  • 2,500,000 benefited from a huge water project; only 12% had access to drinking water before that.

Garut City in Indonesia suffered from dire shortage of drinking water; its people used to get only 12% of clean water. Now, however, thanks to QC things changed to the better.

QC and Mr. Rudy Gunawan, City Chief, signed an agreement in September 2014. As stated in the agreement, QC would provide 2,500,000 people living in Garut with clean water through digging 350 wells in one year. The project was implemented at a cost of 1,750,000 QR.

Goodbye Water Ponds

Mr. Gunawan said, “The water QC provided the city with entirely replaced the water ponds the people used to use for their wudu’ (ablution), their personal cleanliness and at schools. To be honest, when I signed this agreement last year, I did not expect the project to be this huge! I even told my colleagues that it would be great if they only dug 50 wells. We had met many institutions and I cannot begin to tell you the promises we’ve heard; however, QC did not make any promises. No, QC implemented. QC got the job done. I sincerely thank QC and the philanthropists who spent their money on this project so that our city would get clean water. It is a prevention project that will help protect us from diseases and will help the future of this city.”

The Fruit of Doing Good

Garut city has an area of 300 km2 and a population of 2,500,000 people. It basically depends on agriculture and is considered to be the neediest city for water in Indonesia.

The agreement, signed last year (2014) between QC and the Indonesian government, stated that by the end of September 2015 QC will have dug 350 wells.

The implementation of the project started immediately after the agreement was signed. QC, first, identified the neediest regions and villages for these wells; then started the implementation. Many schools, health centers and mosques benefited from this project.

The inauguration of this project was attended by many officials and senior figures. Each dug well had 5 water taps, and two toilets sometimes.

Mr. Karam Zeinhom, QC’s Office Director in Indonesia, said that such water projects were the fruit of QC’s good doing in Indonesia. “In fact, the services related to people’s lives and health conditions are always a priority,” said he.

QC, as Mr. Zeinhom clarified, does not spare an effort to help the needy in Indonesia; it is part of QC’s humanitarian message to the world. He also added that QC will not stop until it helps its brothers and sisters in Indonesia.

Thousands of Projects

It is worth mentioning that QC’s office has been working in Indonesia for 10 years. The total of the money spent in the past years reached 30,000,000$ (100,000,000 QR). QC had also signed an agreement with the Ministry of Religions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a while ago to renew the work in the humanitarian field for 3 years at a budget of 10,000,000$.

QC recently opened a big educational center after it had built and equipped it at a cost of 2,196,000QR. It was inaugurated in the presence of some officials, senior figures, a representative of the Qatari ambassador in Indonesia, a delegation from QC and the donors.  Mr. Rashidbin Fatis Al Mari, Deputy of QC’s CEO of Global Development, His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Al Badir, Representative of the Qatari Ambassador in Indonesia, and Mohammed Abdul Jaleel Abdul Ghani, Representative of Al Abdul Jaleel family, the donating philanthropists.

QC continues to implement income-generating projects for the benefit of the poor regions in Indonesia. These projects included handing the ownership of sewing machines, distributing dairy cows, and motorcycles to carry goods.

These projects are part of QC’s efforts in developing the targeted communities in Indonesia. It is a kind of support to the universal efforts to achieve the developmental goals for this millennium. In addition, QC seeks to contribute to the achievement of self-sufficiency projects that can get the poor families fixed-income to guarantee their dignity. 


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