QC Launches "Food Basket for Workers" in Qatar

QC Launches "Food Basket for Workers" in Qatar

3/25/2018 |

Qatar Charity (QC) launched the “Food Basket for Workers” Campaign to support those working in farms, open spaces and constructions in gratitude and recognition of their services to the country.

The campaign comes within the framework of social solidarity programs aimed at developing the spirit of compassion and harmony among the members of society, meeting the needs of the people and strengthening the links between the different strata of society.

Target Number

Ali Al-Gharib, Executive Director of the QC’s Executive Management for Local Operations, said that the campaign will target 1000 workers across the country, which is complementary to the "Winter of Workers" Campaign launched in the malls and commercial places at the beginning of the season.

Al-Gharib pointed out that the Qatar Charity has started promoting the "Food Basket for Workers" through a number of marketing campaigns organized in Hayat Plaza and Ezdan Mall, noting that the charity continues to mobilize the support for the campaign at Ezdan Mall on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Where the collectors are available to receive donations from citizens and residents.

“The QC’s efforts in this regard are contributions to the efforts of government agencies focusing on the interest of workers and the different segments of society” Al-Gharib said in a statement.

Al-Gharib thanked the management of these commercial complexes for their fruitful and constructive cooperation and assistance to implement the QC’s programs and activities within the framework of the social responsibility of national institutions and strengthening the humanitarian, developmental and relief action within the country.

Donate to Campaign

Al-Gharib also thanked the distinguished benefactors for their remarkable response to the QC’s "Food Basket for Workers" Campaign of and urged them to continue their support for the campaign.

Donations can be made to the “Food Basket for Workers” Campaign through Qatar Charity’s website (qcharity.org) and App. Also, you can donate at the QC headquarters, branches and collection points located in commercial complexes as well as through the hotline (44667711).

Dust Masks

Earlier, Qatar Charity(International Charity Organization) has distributed a number of masks to workers to protect them from the dust of streets and open spaces, aiming to mitigate the impact of the sandstorms witnessed by the state in the past few days.