Over 200 graduate annually at QC’s school in

Over 200 graduate annually at QC’s school in Indonesia

4/1/2018 |

More than 1000 students, both male and female, graduated at Al-Kawthar Multi-Services Center School over the past five years in Indonesia. The school established by Qatar Charity in 2012, now has more than 600 students, more than 200 of whom graduate each year.

After the graduation, many graduates continue their higher education inside and outside the country as well as some of them starts their career.

Multi-Service Center

Al Kawthar Multi-Service Center consisting of a school with six-classrooms, a mosque, a laboratory hall, a library and a well provides various development services to benefit thousands of people, noting that school provides educations to hundreds of students from inside and outside the city of Banjar.

The center, built by Qatar Charity, actively contributes to the improvement of education level and the development of community in the city of Banjar located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. The center also plays a significant role in raising the social awareness among students and highlighting the Importance of Healthy Environment for People.

The director of QC's Project Management, Khalid al-Yafei, said the charity set up Al Kawthar School to provide education to as many students as possible in the country, with the aim to achieve the Universal Primary Education, which is one of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Al-Yafei added that Qatar Charity is seeking to develop Al Kawthar Center and expand its services in the near future, pointing out the city of Banjar was suffering from poor educational services, which led to establishment of the school, helping increase the number of students from dozens to more than 600 students.

In 2017

It is noteworthy that Qatar Charity carried out 786 Development Projects during 2017, at a cost of 14 million and 200 thousand riyals, which benefited hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia.