QC provides 8,000 productive projects for

QC provides 8,000 productive projects for Indonesian orphans and poor

9/25/2018 | Empowerment

Qatar Charity, with the generous support of sponsors, has distributed 100 income-generating projects to the families of orphans, whom it sponsors in the city of Aceh Besar of Aceh Province. The distribution was made in a ceremony, which was attended by HE Ahmed Jassim Al-Hamar, the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Jakarta and a number of local officials.

The new batch of QC’s projects

The projects included 17 cow farming projects, 29 sewing machines, 12 selling carts, 8 small shops, 4 transport vehicles, 3 goat farming projects, 2 coconut milling machines, 5 rice harvesters, 9 gasoline filling projects, 11 small projects for cottage industries.

Qatar Charity has paid special attention to productive projects since the establishment of its office in Indonesia in 2005. The total number of QC’s economic empowerment projects implemented for poor families and the families of orphans, who are sponsored by the charity so far, has reached 8,000 projects, of which 189 projects were distributed during the year 2018.

 Aceh Province

In a speech at the inauguration ceremony held for the implementation of the new batch of projects, Iskandar Shukri, Deputy Governor of Aceh Province, said "Qatar Charity is one of the few international humanitarian organizations that came in conjunction with the 2005 tsunami. The charity has been playing an active role in taking care of orphans, serving needy people and implementing various development projects without interruption.”

For his part, Dawood Bakiyeh, representative of the Minister of Religious Affairs, said “We know QC’s humanitarian efforts very well. We have seen its various projects that serve orphans and poor families. We will continue to provide the charity with all the support to implement its projects.”

The Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Indonesia, Mr. Ahmed Jassim Al-Hamr, conveyed the greetings of Qatari people to their brothers in Indonesia, wished them all the best and every success and commended the good people of Qatar, who have been supporting the province of Aceh since the tsunami.

Island of Lombok

He stressed that Qatari people always stand by their Indonesian brothers in their plights, provide them with relief aid and contribute to implementing development projects in their country, noting that at these moments when we are celebrating the distribution of these productive projects to the families of the orphans to economically empower them, there is a team to provide relief assistance to the earthquake victims in the island of Lombok.

He added that the Qatari-Indonesian relations are strong, not only in the provision of aid, donations and financial support, but also in other fields, and culminated in the visit of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar to Indonesia and the signing of several memorandums of understanding.

"Our presence here is an encouragement to you to continue your support for such good projects that have a quick impact," the Ambassador said to donors in Qatar.

The ceremony concluded with a speech by Karam Zeinhom Aly, manager of QC’s office in Indonesia, in which he said “Aceh is a significant place for the doers of good, from which charitable projects funded by Qatari philanthropists has expanded and flowed into all other parts of Indonesia through Qatar Charity.

He pointed out that some 8,000 income-generating projects have been implemented so far, noting that Qatar Charity pays special attention to production tools and income-generating projects to change people's lives for the better