Qatar Charitable is purifying the rains water in

Qatar Charitable is purifying the rains water in Gaza

10/26/2015 |

  • The project includes purification of the rains water in 35 schools and friendship garden in a cost amounts to 6 million QR.
  • International studies warn of sever up-coming problem in the drinking water in Gaza because of the polluted water aquifers.

More than 6 million QR is the cost of purifying the rains water project that Qatar Charitable continues to implement in Gaza Strip for the interest of tens of schools and Governmental buildings.

Water Problem

This quality project comes within the context of improving the infrastructure in order to benefit from the waste of rains water quantities, as they will be purified and injected into the water aquifers, and alleviate the damages caused by the rains water at the public streets and roads.

The project has been funded through the Gulf Cooperation Council of Gaza Strip Reconstruction in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah, and implemented by Qatar Charitable in cooperation with Gaza Municipality, and in a cost that amounted to 6,022,000 million QR.

Job Opportunities

The engineer Mohammad Abu Haloub, Office Director of Qatar Charitable in Gaza has clarified that this project has included purification of rains water in 35 Governmental schools in different places of Gaza Strip, where a system has been set to include collecting the rains water from buildings, schools premises , playgrounds ,and squares, in order to collect them in the target schools and change them to water wells inside the schools with what this process requires from water lines and connections. Engineer Abu Haloub has indicated that work is still going on in order to develop purification capacity of the Friendship garden through setting purification systems through which rains water could be collected and injected into absorbing purification holes with what this process requires from equipment, means, and mate QR that help in water injection processes.

Abu Haloub has confirmed that among the objectives is the objective of reviving the Private Sector, and making job opportunities available through implementing the project, making it clear that this project is one of tens of projects that Qatar Charitable is implementing for the purpose of improving the infrastructure and reconstruction  for many basic sectors in Gaza Strip, either for rehabilitating and/or reconstructing of demolished homes and houses of the poor, or for rehabilitating hospitals, agricultural sector and its branches, education sector, in addition to custody of orphans and handicapped.

Increasing the Storing Capacity

From his side, the Director General of Engineering and Planning in Gaza Municipality Mr. Nehad AlMughanni thanked Qatar Charitable for its efforts to alleviate the water problem and to work on the process of getting benefit from the rains water, extending his gratitude for Qatar Charitable for its constant support for different sectors in Gaza.

Al Mughanni has indicated that the project includes digging 300 cylindrical draining known in English language as (Piles) in the land of Friendship garden with a depth that amounts to 20 meters, then filling them with  gravel and strewing a layer of         gravel on all the tubs ,followed by a purifying layer,,, then a last layer of sand to purify the water, clarifying that the garden storing capacity is expected to increase  soon after implementing the project to the amount of about 70.000 square meters of rains water per day.

Mr. Al Mughanni has also expressed gratitude for this comprehensive project that includes extending a drainage line to discharge the rains water from the crossroad of Jafa and Al Dorra streets to the garden, in order to solve the problem of the stagnant water  in the crossroad, in addition to maintaining the garden and its premises, installing children toys, and establishing a new firm wall, as well as cleaning the water channels that lead to the garden. Yet, the project is facing a big challenge represented in the difficulty to bring in the raw mate QR to complete the project, because of the siege and closing the Israeli checkpoint now and then. 

Water Pollution                   

It may be of importance to indicate that Gaza Strip suffers from a severe problem in the drinking water, because of the polluted water aquifers, where local and international studies have previously warned of the danger of pollution that infected the water in the Strip, the issue that hinders the choice of staying at this small size geographical spot, whose number of population exceeds 1.8 million people.

Qatar Charitable is endeavoring to contribute in providing solutions for some problems from which Gaza Strip suffers at many  different sectors ,environmental, agricultural, health, education,, construction, as well as support of the poor and needy people.

Before sometime, Qatar Charitable has also, within the context of water problems implemented a project of providing drinking water for the poor, from which more than 3000 poor Gazan families have benefited.

In the same context, the United Nations have also warned within a report made about the issue from the danger of water status in Gaza Strip, where the report  said that the Year 2016 will be a catastrophe if the current status continues as it is, indicating that the Strip is in a bad need to more saline water desalination   stations, more than its need for roads a hundred times, as it literally described.


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