QC Establishes a New Camp for Displaced Syrians

QC Establishes a New Camp for Displaced Syrians

1/20/2016 |

  • The camp was established near the Turkey-Syria borders. It included 500 tents; the remaining were distributed in the countryside of Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia. Total number of beneficiaries is 6,000 displaced Syrians.
  • Al Fahida, “The new camp and distribution of tents were quickly done as a result of the interaction of the Philanthropists in Qatar with ‘Syria: Endless Winter’ Campaign and QC’s desire to bring warmth to the Syrians and offer them shelter.”

As part of its continuous campaign ‘Syria: an Endless Winter’, QC continuous the implementation of urgent relief projects. QC has finished establishing a camp for the displaced Syrians near the Turkey-Syria borders. It consists of 500 tents and the remaining 500 were distributed to the affected-families in Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia. The total number of tents which were distributed was 1,000 tents from which 6,000 displaced benefited.

Because of the recent huge displacement which happened to the Syrians, some of the benefiting families used to live with their children in the open, under trees, and the rest lived in crowded tents with other families.

Mr. Faisal Rashid Al Fahida, QC’s Director of Operations, said, “The new camp and distribution of tents were quickly done as a result of the interaction of the Philanthropists in Qatar with ‘Syria: Endless Winter’ Campaign and QC’s desire to bring warmth to the Syrians and offer them shelter.”

He added that QC’s delegation inaugurated ‘Syria: an Endless Winter’ campaign in the beginning of January of this year. The first batch of aids included more than 250,000 pieces for the benefit of around 508,000 people. They were sent to Syria after the press release of the inauguration. The supplies included 1,000 tents, blankets, heaters, jackets, winter bags, food parcels, school bags and baby milk.

He finally thanked the philanthropists and all the donors, “I pray what they have spent for the benefit of needy people returns to them as rewards in life and the hereafter. I encourage all good-doers to continue supporting this project considering the harsh weather and the increasing number of displaced Syrians in the past few months.”

Excellent Specifications

The camp, consisting of 500 tents, was established. The 500 remaining tents were distributed to the affected-families. QC’s field relief team did the distribution under the direct supervision of the coordinators of the society’s relief management Dr. Ayesh Al Qahtani, and Mr. Mohammed Jassim Al Sulaiti.

Mr. Al Sulaiti clarified that the tents came in time to make winter less cold. “The tents were designed according to good specifications: they are fireproof, heatproof, coldproof; and have holes for the heaters and mattresses. The tents made the benefiting families feel great since it’s given them shelter and saved them from the harsh winter and saved their dignity,” added he. 

Donations for Tents

If anyone wants to donate so the displaced Syrians and refugees would receive tents, QC has made it possible through its campaign, ‘Syria: an Endless Winter’. Donors can send (TS) through text messages (SMS) to the following numbers: 92632 to donate 50 QR, 92642 to donate 100 QR, 92428 to donate 500 QR, and 92429 to donate 1,000 QR. It is also possible to donate for the price of a whole tent at a cost of 1,200. For more information, you can call the hotline 44667711.

QC’s delegation has already distributed 2,000 food baskets to the Syrian refugees in Reyhanlı, near the borders. 10,000 people benefited from this initiative which took place as part of ‘Syria: an Endless Winter’ campaign.

This campaign was inaugurated last November in order to fight against the harsh winter. The campaign targets to collect around 54,000,000 QR for the benefit of 735,000 people.

The food basket which will be distributed consists of basic supplies which are sufficient for a family of 5 for a month. It has been distributed to a number of Syrian refugees who have nothing to eat and live under difficult circumstances; it is also to support feeding the patients at Al Amal Hospital, which is funded by QC, and a number of nursing homes.

Winter Products

The campaign’s products include ‘Family Winter Basket for a Family of 4’ at a cost of 1,000 QR. The basket comprises of a blanket, a heater, winter jackets, hats, gloves, socks and neck scarves. The products also include ‘a blanket’ at a cost of 100 QR, a ‘heater’ at a cost of 250 QR, a ‘winter bag for 2’ at 400 QR (it includes hats, gloves, socks and neck scarves), a ‘food basket’ that is sufficient for a whole month and has basic supplies at a cost of 200 QR, ‘school bags’ at a cost of 100 QR and ‘bread’ sufficient for one family for a whole month at a cost of 50 QR.


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