Qatar Charity Organizes Winter Camp for "Future

Qatar Charity Organizes Winter Camp for "Future Leaders" for the benefit of more than 100 Orphans

3/6/2016 |

  • "We hope that our national institutions would follow the steps of ExxonMobil Qatar and Microsoft Qatar’s and support the child-centered programs."- Director of QC centers

As a part of its annual winter program, the fourth edition, the Executive Department for Local Development at QC launched "Leaders of the Future" program for the orphans that Qatar Charity is sponsoring.

The program included a workshop for programming computer games that targeted more than 20 "future-leaders" students. The workshop aims at developing the skills of using computers and at introducing the children to programming principles, and using Microsoft’s Kodu visual programming language. Microsoft Qatar had hosted the programming part of the camp and offered a skilled trainer who delivered an intense workshop for around one week. The children were able to program a game of their own creation and tested it practically with their peers.

 Ali Al Gharib, Head of the Local Developmental Centers at QC, stated, “The Winter camp was organized with the aim of integrating the "future leaders" with the society in an atmosphere of benefit and joy.”

 The executive department of local development at QC organized the annual spring program for more than 130 future-leader students starting last January until 4th of February. In addition to the computer games programming workshop, the camp included Science Made Fun Workshops facilitated by Qatar Science Club, arts & crafts workshops, a robotics workshop, sport activities and other soft skills courses (Building Self-Confidence , Being Positive).

The program received the attention of ExxonMobil Qatar that sponsored it and made its implementation possible.

Stated that "In Qatar, ExxonMobil provides the energy to drive human potential through its partnerships and support of local programs, such as Qatar Charity’s Future Leaders program. By encouraging students to learn new skills and make full use of their personal talents and strengths, the Future Leaders program is helping to develop the next generation of Qatar’s workforce,” said Abdullatif Al-Naemi, National Development Manager for ExxonMobil Qatar. “The program creates an interest in programming at a young age and provides participating children with an opportunity to learn computing skills – a necessary requirement as the world becomes ever more dependent on computers.”

 “We are proud to play a role in helping foster a powerful generation of workers who are tech-savvy and confident, and who can build a bright future for Qatar,” he added. 

Al Gharib appreciated ExxonMobil Qatar’s support and full cooperation with QC to organize the event. He wished that all local institutions and organizations would follow the same path as part of their social responsibilities to boost the local society, especially in the field of cultivating skills and talents.

Winter Programs

It is worth mentioning that the QC Community Development Centers, under the executive department of local development, have organized events for the winter vacation that target hundreds of students, especially orphans. The events include camps, Umrah trips to Mecca, and different cultural, educational, and entertainment activities. The targets of these events are students from different schools and ages.

Future Leader

QC gives priority for social and educational care for the "future leaders" candidates, filling their free time with activities that would help them and deepen their belief to make them capable of bearing the burdens of life. The programs aim at sharpening the children’s skills and abilities through various cultural, entertainment, and sport activities. They also offer care for the orphans’ families.

Social Responsibilities

QC has established a specialized center for community partnership to introduce the QC developmental programs, and to exert efforts to bring such programs into effect through partnerships with the public and private sectors. QC has singed many partnerships with national organizations and companies, allowing them to provide effective community programs that are designed, implemented, and socially tested by a specialized team at QC. This offers the chance for different institutions to maximize the impacts and benefits of the budgets allocated for community programs by approaching QC CSR team.