QC Rehabilitates 7 Artesian Aquifers in Somalia

QC Rehabilitates 7 Artesian Aquifers in Somalia

3/10/2016 | Disaster

  • 24,500 people and tens of thousands of cattle benefit from the project every day in Middle Shebelle which was affected by floods.
  • The project helped offer the services of public facilities such as education, health and water in affected territories.


As part of the recovery projects QC is implementing in Somalia, QC's office there finished working on rehabilitating 7 artesian aquifers in Middle Shebelle whose people had suffered from shortages in drinking water. More than 24,500 people and tens of thousands of cattle are expected benefit from the project every day.

Mr. Mohammed Hussein Omar, QC's Office Director in Somalia said, "This rehabilitation project is to resume offered services such as education, health and water. It is mainly to meet the people's need for drinking water. The floods damaged the aquifers causing a dire shortage in drinking water. As a result, many people left their areas. It used to take them hours to reach drinking water."

Based on the conducted field studies, as he mentioned, QC's office rehabilitated the aquifers by increasing their depth and fixing their network pipes. The office equipped the wells with electric engines and pumps. It also built and rehabilitated the tanks and basins for animals to drink from; and generators rooms and storehouses for the wells' equipment.

"In 2013 and 2014, Somalia witnessed many natural disasters. QC implemented this project in order to support the affected families and help them overcome such a humanitarian disaster," said he.



QC's office in Somalia thanked the Qatari philanthropists and people residing in Qatar for their great efforts. They reflect the true face of the generous Qatari society. "We offer our help to Somalia in the different fields of shelter, food and medication and others because of our religious and moral bond that connects us to the needy people around the world," added he.  


Early Recovery

The Early Recovery project in Middle Shebelle is in the process of implementing important projects for the affected families, especially the farmers and shepherds. QC aims at improving their livelihoods and their style of living. In Somalia, QC had already reformed 250 hectares of lands; and provided manual plowing tools, seeds and pesticides for the farmers. In addition, QC distributed sheep and dairy cows to 250 affected families in the governorate; it rehabilitated 3 primary schools and 4 health centers.  

Through Early Recovery, QC aims at reaching the affected local community. It will help train the Somalis to work and have better daily incomes. The total budget for the recovery projects reached around 3,650,000 QR. More than 93,000 people from Middle Shebelle are expected to benefit from them.

In addition, QC financed income-generating projects in Middle Shebelle. 750 sheep were distributed to 150 families. Each family received 5 sheep. Such project was to help the families have their old lives back, especially after the floods they suffered from. Also, it would reinforce grazing as a profession for shepherds so they would become financially independent.  


Urgent Aids

Because of the drought that hit Somalialand, QC quickly responded to aid its people. The project included distributing food supplies and offering medical services. More than 71,000 people benefited from the project. For the past two decades, Somalia has been witnessing so many crises and natural disasters; in so many times was considered the worst internationally. The number of displaced people in Somalia reached around 1,100,000 people living in the big cities such as Somalialand, Puntland and the south of Somalia.  


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