QC Launches Distance Memorization and Teaching of

QC Launches Distance Memorization and Teaching of the Holy Quran

4/19/2016 | Motanafson

  • Ali Al Gharib: QC seeks to continue its work in serving the Holy Quran and making it the essence of communal work.
  • 'My Distance Teacher' project aims at targeting the Qatari community and encouraging them to do good deeds.
  • The project aims at empowering the people of the Gaza Strip economically through providing them with job opportunities.  
  • 'My Distance Teacher' project is added to the other two projects: 'My Teacher of Quran Circles' and 'My Home Teacher'.
  • 'My Distance Teacher' program depends on teaching the sciences of the Quran in a new, interesting way.


For 20 years, QC has been exerting so many efforts in teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. The Local Development Management at QC inaugurated a new project that teaches Quran from a distance. It offers a new service 'My Distance Teacher' through which the students receive education and are helped with the memorization of the Quran from a distance through Skype. The inauguration ceremony took place at Oryx Rotana Hotel.

The Local Development Management at QC offers 3 main services related to teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Quran. Two of these services were already applied: 'Rise Project', which offers Quran memorization at QC's community development centers; and 'Ponder – My Home Teacher', through which beneficiaries memorize the Quran at home. The new service is now out.

QC's Community Development Centers inaugurated 'My Distance Teacher' service which is distinguished with multiple features. It bridges the gap of lacking teachers of the Holy Quran in Qatar, considers the groups who cannot attend the memorization circles, applies individual education (it provides one teacher for every person), and provides job opportunities for people from the Gaza Strip (the teachers are from there). Through supporting this project, the philanthropists help serve the Qatari society.

Mr. Ali Al Gharib, Director of Centers and Programs' Management at QC, said that QC always sought to continue its work in serving the Holy Quran and making it an essential component of community work in Qatar. "We know how great the reward is for teaching and helping Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. Through this campaign, we aspire to spread the Islamic values, provide a suitable educational environment for learning the concepts and values of the Quran, and facilitate learning and memorization of the sciences of the Holy Quran remotely using advanced technologies," said he.


Communal Development

This project mainly depends on presenting QC as a partner in developing the members of the society in harmony with Human Development article of Qatar National Vision 2030. QC will prepare qualified and professional staff members to work remotely as part of 'Taqat' program. It will offer a new service to all groups of the society (such as the elderly and women) and at suitable times and places.


Taqat Program

Through Taqat program, QC targets students from all educational levels, whether male or female students; people who want to learn the Quran and its sciences; women and housewives; and old people. 'My Teacher' project is part of this program; it offers a comprehensive electronic system run by a group of distinguished Quran teachers from the Gaza Strip, Palestine. These people are capable of offering special services in helping the memorizers memorize the Quran and learn the rules of Tajweed.


Thousands of Beneficiaries

In its first year, "My Teacher' project targeted more than 5,000 men and women. Each teacher would help 8 participants memorize verses from the Quran on a monthly basis for a year. The session would last one hour for 3 days a week.

"My Teacher" project is distinguished with the flexibility of its timing since it is assigned by the memorizer. The project gives 'Telawa' certificates from acknowledged centers. In addition, it provides each family with a teacher who gives them specialized courses such as memorization and revision of the Holy Quran, Telawa lessons, Qa'idah al-Nuraniah lessons for the children, Tajweed lessons, and reading and sanad courses. The goal is to teach the families the Holy Quran.


Empowerment and Solutions

This campaign aims at economically empowering the male and female teachers of the Holy Quran from the Gaza Strip. This way, these people, who suffer from the siege and poverty, can have a job to help them meet their needs. QC also seeks to offer a solution to the problem of lacking teachers of the Holy Quran. It aspires to facilitate the process of memorization through offering home lessons and using advanced technologies.


Supporting and Marketing

'My Teacher' project is considered to be the first charity product that gives the philanthropists the chance to donate inside Qatar through sponsoring a memorizer. The sponsorship is 300 QR a month; this project also offers the philanthropists the chance to sponsor a teacher; 2,400 QR a month. Each teacher helps 8 memorizers from Qatar. Meaning, the outcomes of this project greatly serve the Qatari society.

Donors can send their donations through Qatar National Bank at this IBAN: 000000000786746200001QA25QNBA; or through QC's website http://bit.ly/1N5K6ji. For more information, donors can use the hotline 0097450240471, or visit the project's website: http://learn.taqat.jobs/.

The project's website explains the program's features, and conditions for joining the service and way of registering; it also displays a group of success stories and certificates of previous participants. 


Successful Trial

Tens of participants took part in the trial version of the campaign which was applied for 3 months since the end of last year and until the beginning of this year. It was very successful and achieved the desired goals. The participants expressed their deep happiness and desire to continue in the program. They also mentioned how they want to introduce their friends and relatives to this program.


Continuous Efforts

This project is a part of 'My Quran' series of project, which was already implemented through 'Rise' project. It was held at Community Development Centers; at 8 different centers distributed geographically across the country.

These centers make use of recent and distinguished methods of teaching the Holy Quran according to the participants' age and study level. They hold different cultural, social and educational activities. The centers aim at preparing a generation capable of receiving education and passing it to others. They also aim at investing the generations' free time and creating an atmosphere of positive competition in the field of memorizing the Holy Quran.