Qatar Charity Distributes Urgent Food Aids in

Qatar Charity Distributes Urgent Food Aids in Aleppo

10/4/2016 |

  • 44.000 People have benefited from the aids including food baskets, bread bundles and baby milk that meet their needs for a month.
  • The Director of Relief Management said that QC's campaign “Save Aleppo” continues to collect donations and distributes aids since last May and so far.


      In light of the escalating suffering of Syrians in Aleppo due to the ongoing shelling, severe shortage of food, baby milk and basic services and as part of its ongoing campaign "Save Aleppo", Qatar Charity carries out its relief projects in Aleppo city.  The campaign, which was supported by the Qatari philanthropists, has finished this month. It included distributing food baskets, bread bundles and baby milk to meet the needs of a single-family for a whole month. Nearly 44,000 people have benefited from this project, which costed more than QR 600.000.

The Burning City

    The Director of Relief Management at QC, Rashid Al Kaabi said that the constant relief projects, which are implemented in Aleppo, inside Syria and in the neighboring countries hosting refugees, are supported by the Qatari benefactors and national and international donors, extending his sincere thanks to them.

      Al Kaabi clarified the Aleppo is in urgent need for aids due to the aggravated circumstances in the distressed city, the ongoing bombardment of houses, hospitals, and food stores, the increased number of victims, the ongoing blockade imposed on the civilians and the lack of basic services such food, water, shelter and health services.

Al Kaabi encouraged the Qatari donors to continue supporting the “Save Aleppo” campaign, pointing out that this help is a humanitarian and brotherly duty especially in such circumstances where the distressed Syrians, whom their entire city is burning, must be aided.

The distribution of the urgent aids to the Syrians in Aleppo began last August and ended this month. The aids were distributed through two phases as follows:  4,000 food baskets were distributed to 20,000 people, bread bundles were distributed to 23,000 people and four baby milk cans were distributed to 700 children monthly. The total of beneficiaries is about 44,000 people. The food basket contained basic foodstuffs such as (rice, sugar, bulgur, pasta, lentils, cooking oil, jam and dry legumes.)

Ongoing Campaign

This aids aimed to alleviate   Aleppo citizens' suffering that   resulted from the acute shortage of the basic foodstuff and reduce disease proliferation resulting from malnutrition.   Most of Aleppo citizens cannot secure their food due to the banditry and high prices.

Qatar Charity has launched   "Save Aleppo" campaign at the beginning of May and allocated QR10m as a first batch to meet the Syrians' urgent needs.

How to Donate

People can donate to the campaign through Al Rayan Bank, account number:

IBAN/ QA40MAFR000000000003111111001, or via QC's website , or the headquarters of QC and its branches in Qatar, or the collection outlets in the shopping malls.


Donations for medical and health services (treating the wounded people or providing ambulance services for casualties) can be collected through Save _Aleppo# campaign through sending c 'MS' code by SMS   to 92632 to donate QR 50, to 92642 to donate QR 100; to 92428to donate QR500; and to 92429 to donate QR 1,000. Donors can donate a food basket of QR150 through sending 'ES' code by SMS to92652. In addition, the campaign specified a hotline 11776644for donating and replying any inquiries.

As part of this campaign, Qatar Charity has distributed thousands of food parcels, baby milk cans and drinking water tanks during the past four months. 

Accumulated Efforts

  It is worth mentioning that QC pays an important attention to Syrian people's relief as 8 million people inside and outside Syria, including the refugees and displaced people benefited from the relief projects from April 2011to May2016 with a cost of  QR 450 m.


You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here