Indonesian Officials laud Qatar Charity

Indonesian Officials laud Qatar Charity Developmental Projects

2/6/2017 |



  • Deputy Head of the local council of Banten province: The projects implemented contributed to promoting development and public health in the city.


Eight parliament members from Banten paid a visit to QC's office in Indonesia, extending deepest thanks to QC and Qatari people for implementing projects in Banten during the last two years including more than 26 mosques, 400 wells,  and 4 Quran memorization centers.

The delegation included Mr. yuyon sežana, head of the local council, Ms. Ade Rossi Khayer El Nessa, deputy head of the council and five other members of the Council: Cortobi Saud, Sominar, Asnin Sayf al-Din, Mohammed Cosoanda, Didi Jobaili and Ipoo Hacenah.

The members of the delegation expressed their thanks to Qatar Charity (International Charity Organization) for the considerable achievements  carried out in a record time, expressing their gratitude to the Qartari philanthropists who provided assistance that meet the needs of the residents of Bantan.

​​ Speed of Implementation

"I'm aware of QC's projects, especially water and drilling wells projects that positively impacted the state's population, promoting development and public health," The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mrs. Ade Rossi Khayer El Nessa said.

In turn, Member of Parliament, Mr. Cortobi assured that he is impressed by Qatari charity projects that met the most important needs of the state's population. He also praised QC's speed in completing the projects, and providing high quality services to beneficiaries.

10 Provinces

Mr. Didi Jobaili, Member of Parliament, said, "I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the people of Qatar and Qatar Charity for supporting Indonesian people and contributing to the development of our state"

For his part, QC's office Director in Indonesia thanked the delegation and appreciated the humanitarian role played by the Qatari people, assuring that QC is implementing new projects in 10 provinces from Aceh to Lombok.

Total Projects

Qatar Charity has carried out: 5802 projects in several areas in Indonesia, namely: 722 mosques, 25 multi-service centers, 22 schools, 425 houses, 2574 wells, 272 wells 1761 Income Generating Projects

In 2016, QC has implemented 741 projects including 24 mosques, 7 multi-service memorization centers, 3 schools, 10 houses, 646 wells and 51 income-generatin