Qatar Charity to drill 75 wells in Albania this

Qatar Charity to drill 75 wells in Albania this year

8/23/2020 | Media Center

Qatar Charity to drill 75 wells in Albania this year

Qatar Charity has drilled many wells in Elbasan and Shkodra of Albania, within the framework of a cooperation agreement that comprises the digging of 75 wells in the country. The project is expected to be implemented completely by the end of this year, benefiting public facilities such as schools, health centers, mosques, and residential complexes lacking potable water.

Qatar Charity had signed a cooperation agreement with the local government of Elbasan and Shkodra in Albania, in the presence of HE Ali bin Hamad Al-Marri, Ambassador of Qatar to Albania, Voltana Ademi, Mayor of the Shkodër city, Gledian Llatja, mayor of the Elbasan city, in addition to municipality officials and others.

During a field visit paid to the wells, the Ambassador and the Mayor of the Shkodër city expressed delight with the project. Both praised the efforts made by Qatar Charity in the implementation of the project.

The ambassador Ali bin Hamad Al-Marri, was delighted with the high-quality implementation of the well project, saying that the people of Qatar are always forerunner to do good deeds and extend support, through Qatar Charity, to those in need worldwide, as well as, to the people of Albania.  

Voltana Ademi, Mayor of the Shkodër city, thanked donors and Qatar Charity for extending assistance to the Albanian people, pointing out that Qatar Charity always supports them in all circumstances. She also noted the aid provided by Qatar Charity following the 2019 earthquake and the latest assistance in the fight against of the coronavirus pandemic. She added that Albania needs these wells extremely, which will support schools and health centers.

Gledian Llatja, mayor of the Elbasan city, applauded the people of Qatar and Qatar Charity for their prominent role in delivering aid to the Albanian people, showing his admiration for the wells, which have excellently been implemented by Qatar Charity in a manner that ensures that they will work efficiently for a long time.

It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity’s Albania office was inaugurated in 1994. It works in the areas of social care, education, and community service.