QC's Emergency Releif Reaches 1,300 families in

QC's Emergency Releif Reaches 1,300 families in Bosnia

3/26/2018 |

Qatar Charity distributed Emergency Winter Relief and food aid to more than 1,300 families with 4,500 people in 12 municipalities and villages of Bosnia and Herzegovina at a total cost of QR 500,000.

The aid distibuted in many places of the country including some highland areas, came within the framework of the 'Affected By Winter' campaign, aiming to  alleviate the suffering of needy families.

The releif assitance has been provided through the QC's office in the country at the time of snowfall and when the temperatures sharply dropped there to less than 15 degrees below zero.

Faisal Al-Fahida, Executive Director of the QC’s Executive Management of International Operations said beneficiary families in Bosnia and Herzegovina received food baskets containing flour, oil, sugar, macaroni, canned meat, salt and rice, as well as they received blankets and winter clothes too.

More than 100 tons of wood for heating were distributed to poor families living in the highlands, which  are hard-to-reach areas, particularly at this time of the year, due to of the heavy snowfall, leading to the interruption of transport to and from these places, Al-Fahida added.

The beneficiaries of the aid expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Qatari people for their humanitarian initiatives and their continued support to the Bosnian people in order to alleviate the suffering of those in need, affected and orphans during the winter.

Qatar Charity has already distributed winter clothes, blankets and food baskets to more than 400 orphans along with their families in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the framework of the QC's 'Orphan Below Zero' campaign.

For the second consecutive year, Qatar Charity has carried out the same campaign to provide warmth and due care to its Syrian orphans in Lebanon and Turkey, as well as its orphans in Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo at a cost of 3 million riyals.